The Impact of Global Learning

The front cover of the GLP impact report

Over a three year period from 2015 to 2017, Ulster University carried out research to investigate the impact of what was previously called the Global Learning Programme (GLP) on schools in Northern Ireland. The research included an examination of the programme's impact on the capacity of teachers to deliver global learning, exploring too the extent to which the programme actively helped pupils achieve global learning outcomes.

The results

Download full GLP Impact Report 2015-17

Download Executive Summary

Download 'At A Glance' Summary 

The impact of the GLP on schools

Research shows that schools made progress in almost every area related to global learning, right across the three years. But in most schools there was further scope, as well as a desire to embed global learning deeper.

The impact of the GLP on teachers

Here's what some of our teachers had to say about their own experiences of the programme:

“Becoming Lead Teacher for GLP has had a profound impact on me as a person. I now look at the world differently and try to be a more thoughtful citizen. I get a lot of pleasure helping everyone in the school know about the issues GLP raises and feel a sense of responsibility now to continue to get the message across.” (Special School)

“By helping others identify global learning opportunities, researching resources and completing the numerous self-evaluations, I feel that I have the confidence to embed global learning within my subject and to guide others to do the same”. (Post-Primary School)

The impact of the GLP on pupils

Here are some testimonials taken directly from teachers who have observed and studied pupil responses to global learning in the classroom:

“Our pupils are now more aware of the causes of poverty and how they as individuals can help.” (Primary School)

“Global learning has allowed our students to show respect for others, as well as integrity, curiosity and tolerance, amid the self-belief that they can have a real impact on the lives of others, on both a local and global scale.” (Post-Primary School)

“There has been an impact on critical thinking and a greater knowledge and understanding of inequality because of the global links to our partner school in India. They keep us informed about the whole agenda of inequality for young women.” (Post-Primary School)

NB. All quotes have been taken directly from research and programme feedback.

What pupils and teachers have to say about Global Learning

 Visit our Case Studies page to hear teachers and students talk about the Impact of Global Learning in their schools, classrooms and lives.

 Check out our Resources page for Primary, Post-primary and Secondary school resources, as well as some handy whole-school actions you can try out!

 And if you're interested in bringing Global Learning into your classroom, our Teacher Professional Learning page will explain more about how our training supports the Northern Ireland Curriculum through subjects like STEM, RE, LLW, Georgraphy and WAU.