Nothing brings global learning to life or makes the classroom a more engaging and inspiring place for young people than the opportunity to learn, interact and collaborate with peers in other countries.
International school partnerships encourage students to deepen their learning experiences through joint learning activities that explore global and sustainable development themes with international peers. Pupils’ global learning competencies, communication skills and an appreciation for cultural diversity are reinforced through collaboration and provides motivation to put learning practices into action; making a difference in their community and the wider world. They also offer teachers the chance to share experiences and learn new practices from colleagues in other countries.
Check out our latest case studies to get inspired!
Find an International Partner School
The British Council's Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning (CCGL) programme helps schools make connections locally and globally. They offer an online partner-finding tool to help build international connections, as well as guidance and training to support you in getting the most from your international school partnerships.
Find out more about setting up a partnership with a school overseas by contacting contacting the British Council’s Belfast office on 028 9019 2229 or emailing
To view the list of eligible partner countries click here.
Or if you would like to learn more about an Online only (virtual) partnership click here
Apply for a Grant for Reciprocal Teacher Visits and Pupil Projects
CCGL funding routes allow the opportunity to apply for grants for reciprocal teacher visits, as well as collaborative pupil projects between paired schools in different countries.
Your school can apply for a grant(s) individually with your overseas partner, or as part of a wider cluster of schools - with one school appointing a teacher to take on the role of cluster lead. To learn more and for guidance on the grant application and deadlines click here
Training Day on ‘Making a Successful International School Partnership Grant Application’
A school self-evaluation and cluster self-evaluation has been created to help participating teacher to identify actions and appropriate professional development opportunities to support their international school partnership.
Contact a CCGL School Advisor
Topic | Resource Name | Age Range | Publisher | Link |
TopicAn Introduction to Global Learning | Resource NameGuidance for Primary Teachers | Age RangePrimary | Publisher- | LinkView Resource |
TopicAn Introduction to Global Learning | Resource NameGuidance for Post-Primary Teachers | Age RangePost-Primary | Publisher- | LinkView Resource |