Solo-cycle around Ireland promotes Global Goals
29 June, 2017
A former teacher from Dublin has cycled all around Ireland to raise awareness of the Global Goals agreed by world leaders in 2015.
In total, Maurice Hurley travelled 2,200km on his bike across 22 days, following a round route along the Irish coast. His epic journey began on 30 May in Dublin and ended on 20 June with his return to the city.
Along the way, he called into as many schools as possible and spoke to pupils about the goals, which if achieved will ensure a better future for us all.
While in Northern Ireland, Maurice visited four lucky GLP Schools: Ardnashee School and College, St Joseph’s Primary School (Ballyhackamore), St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s Primary School and Windsor Hill Primary School. We’d like to say a big thanks to him for the time he spent with pupils at each school.
Maurice has shared loads of pics from his travels, as well as videos of children and young people explaining why the goals matter to them. You can find them all here. We’ve also published our own gallery with photos from Maurice's visits to the GLP Schools.
Why not show some of these pics or videos in class if you’re looking at the Global Goals with your pupils? They might come in particiularly handy if your school is planning to take part in the World’s Largest Lesson in September!