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Supported Partnerships is back with Round Two

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Supported Partnerships is back with Round Two

07 May, 2021

If you're new to international collaboration, Supported Partnerships - a more recent addition to our Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning programme - could open the door to a world of learning opportunities for your school, without the need to apply for funding. Supported Partnerships is easy to register, quick to get started and is a 'ready to go' project idea-based classroom resource.

We're now on the second round of Supported Partnerships, with applications open until midday 28 June 2021.

What are Supported Partnerships?

Supported partnerships are designed for schools new to international collaboration, who would prefer to start their global learning journey without applying for grant funding. 

A clusters of schools (maximum of five NI and five overseas schools) will work together on a project linked to a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) that is also related to COP26, the United Nation's Climate Change Conference held in the UK in November 2021. The project will be delivered during term one, starting in September 2021, followed by a final evaluation activity.

Our Schools Advisors will help you develop your project through three one-hour webinars that take place in mid to late September/early October 2021, delivered by an experienced global learning practitioner. They'll also provide guidance, CPD and support you with any questions or project ideas you have.


Participating countries for this round (second iteration) of Supported Partnerships are: Bangladesh and Pakistan (South Asia), Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe (Sub-Saharan Africa), with MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries to be announced shortly. 

If you are interested in taking part, simply complete the online agreement and submit it electronically before midday on 28 June 2021.

And if you have any questions or would like to explore this further, email

Resources to Support Classroom Practice and a Whole School Approach

Global Learning is supported by a wide range of organisations and initiatives:

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