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We can provide support to both primary and post-primary schools on global learning topics:       

Primary schools – Our Waste, Our World is a fun, interactive session facilitated by Habitat NI in partnership with Eco-Schools that explores waste and sustainability issues for Key Stage 2 Pupils. We also have additional resources and activity suggestions that explore the importance of home and its role in breaking the cycle of poverty. 

Secondary schools – Change Makers is a shared education and citizenship programme which brings two schools from across the community together to explore social justice issues and active citizenship during two facilitated workshops. The group also work together on a local Habitat worksite for one day and participate in a fundraising challenge. We also have additional resources and activity suggestions that explore the importance of home and its role in breaking the cycle of poverty for secondary school pupils. 

(Note: The resources mentioned above are available only through participating in the relevant programme/initiative. Call or email now to sign up.)

Resources to Support Classroom Practice and a Whole School Approach

Global Learning is supported by a wide range of organisations and initiatives:

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