Introduction to Global Learning – Guidance for Teachers

Global Learning contributes to the overall aim of the NI Curriculum, ‘to empower young people to develop their potential and to make informed and responsible choices and decisions throughout their lives’ (CCEA 2007:4). The NI Curriculum also offers considerable scope for the flexible planning and delivery of global learning.

Introduction to Global Learning: Guidance for Teachers documents, with primary and post-primary versions, were developed for the Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning (CCGL) programme 2018-2021.

Drawing on the OECD PISA Global Competence Framework, these guidance documents provide a framework of key dimensions for global learning contextualised to the NI Curriculum, with example learning outcomes drawn from Personal Development and Mutual Understanding, Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities, and Oxfam’s Curriculum for Global Citizenship.

These are supportive documents for any teacher who wishes to access an overview of global learning, and for teachers who are leading on global learning in their school, planning for learning outcomes and progression.

Assessment Toolkit for Global Learning

Launched in September 2021, the Assessment Toolkit for Global Learning offers insights, techniques and tools that teachers can blend with other approaches to make global learning more explicit within practice; refine how global learning is being met within planned provision, and support assessment of outcomes in global learning. The Assessment Toolkit references the global learning framework and builds on the guidance documents.

Principally concerned with formative assessment taking place in class on a day-to-day basis, the toolkit offers narrative and practical ideas in three sections:

  • Techniques and tool that support Elements of Practice within Assessment for Learning
  • Tools to recognise student participation and action as outcomes of learning
  • Developing emotional literacy skills.