Whole School Approach
Principles of school self-evaluation have been central to education policy in Northern Ireland, firstly through Every School a Good School (DENI 2009), and more recently through the Inspection and Self-Evaluation Framework (2017), which is designed to enable organisations, teams and individuals to access the process of self-reflection leading to improvement.
The global learning school self-evaluation tool is designed to be used by teachers, for either personal or shared evaluation. It should be useful for teachers leading on global learning, and feed into wider school planning processes.
While the school self-evaluation focuses on pupil-centred global learning, and teaching & learning, many other areas of school life have much to contribute to global learning.
Initiatives such as Eco-Schools and Rights Respecting Schools directly link to global learning, as well as extra-curricular activities, and outdoor learning. Leadership within school is important in raising the profile of global learning, while activities that connect to the local community are a great way of bringing global learning to life.